Queensland Review of NAPLAN 2018

The Queensland Review of NAPLAN has been completed, whereby over 70 000 primary and secondary teachers, principals, students and parents were asked for their views of NAPLAN and its ongoing value in improving our education system.
As parents and teachers, here are some links that provide insights into the above review:
a) Phase 1 focussed on Parent Perceptions of NAPLAN, as conducted by Dr Gabrielle Matters.
b) Phase 2 compiled views from School Communities and Representatives from Government, Catholic and Independent school sectors. Research was carried out by researchers from Australian Catholic University.
c) Phase 3 is a synopsis of NAPLAN findings and how the Queensland government will work with education stakeholders on how to best use this testing measure.
Whether you are Team NAPLAN or not, it certainly has high stake consequences for schools, especially with the publication of NAPLAN data on the My School website. A key finding from phase 2 found negative impacts such as the “allocation of time to NAPLAN test preparation and practice, narrowing of curriculum to focus on NAPLAN elements, and focus on “bubble” students at specific performance levels, in this case, reported to be “upper two bands” or “As and Bs” ”. (Key Finding 4.10.1)
On a parent level, however, an article published by The Australian today has the headline ‘Parents back NAPLAN as guide to children’s progress, says research’.
Below is an extract from this article:

Quotes from an article featured in The Australian

Source: The Australian. April 3, 2019
The debate over NAPLAN is likely to continue and a national review may follow the recent Queensland review. In the short term, NAPLAN will continue to be delivered online in 2019.
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