Reading and Writing Readiness for Boys

I am one of the growing number of educational researchers who are concerned that schools and even preschools are trying to teach boys to read and write too soon. Starting boys on these concepts too soon can be one of the causes for the negative attitudes boys develop toward reading and writing, and even school.
There are several preconditions that boys need before the teaching of reading and writing occurs. (Boys may not display all of these, but it is a useful guide.)
1. Boys need to feel happy and successful at school. They need to be settled into school, complete tasks independently, take turns and work with others.
2. Boys need good oral communication skills. They need to be able to answer questions, describe objects and events and explain ideas.
3. Boys need to be able to handle books confidently, listen to stories and recite simple rhymes. They need to be confident around books and the language of books.
4. Boys need to be aware of written language. Do they recognise familiar letters of the alphabet? Can they recognise words from their favourite book or a word from their environment?
For parents ~
- Start reading with your son within his first year.
- Surround your son with language, both written and spoken.
- Reading should be a daily occurrence. You only get better if you practise; if you stop (for example over the Christmas break), your son’s reading skills will decline.
- Make writing a part of life. Let your son see you writing lists, emails, cards and so on. Give him purpose for his writing: a letter to grandparents, a list of things he wants for his birthday.
- Don’t worry too much about his early handwriting. If he is keen to write and does not have the fine motor skills, use the computer.
- Play games and do activities which require hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
- Let your son see males as readers and writers (books are better examples than reading on a phone!).
- Listening to audiobooks can assist your son improve his reading skills and fluency, as well as exposing him to good stories.
- Time outside is hugely beneficial! The outdoors encourages imaginative and creative play and gives boys greater experiences for story writing and readers.
- Make regular trips to the library. Librarians are very knowledgeable on appealing books for boys and special-interest topics.
- Do research together from an early age. Use books and the internet to find answers to his questions. Boys are full of curiosity (it’s why one of how topics is ‘Toilets in Space’), so make finding answers fun.
FREE for new home and school subscribers! Our UNREAL Reading Strategies Poster
I’m a bit of a fan of an Acronym – and this poster is perfect for helping students to unpack text to assist with comprehension. Contact us today ~
Enquire today about our online programs that reflect sound educational thinking, current knowledge and research about best practice in reading acquisition. When used regularly, we deliver reading results.

Our programs ~ Literacy for Boys and Literacy for Kids ~ have had a huge uptake with schools and homeschoolers this year. It reflects two things:
a) the need for quality reading material that engages students
b) a decline in reading skills nationwide
We are incredibly passionate about improving kids’ literacy – research consistently supports the fact that confident readers achieve more highly than disengaged learners.
If we can get our children to enjoy reading they will grow into a reader, and that reader has more doors open to them in this world.
If you are wanting a resource that can boost your child’s or class’ literacy in 2024, please visit Literacy for Boys or Literacy for Kids
Check out our recent appearance on Channel 7 News ~
Parents ~ sign up for a free 30-day trial and improve your son’s literacy this year!
As an educator, do you want more from your literacy program? Contact us for a 30-day free trial in your school or classroom. Sign up for our newsletter and get FREE Comprehension Worksheets for Years 3 to 9.
Check out our blogs for more ideas and tips.
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Brought to you by Tanya Grambower