
Track Each Boy’s Progress and Improve their Outcomes with Literacy for Boys

We understand: conventional teaching techniques might not consistently engage boys. We've seen it firsthand and literacy data supports this. At Literacy for Boys, our goal is to introduce innovative methods that inject enthusiasm into learning, ensuring it's enjoyable for boys of every age.

New to our pl...

Parents – get the results you want! Special Naplan offer

Parents: get the results you want.  Special NAPLAN preparation offer: extra bonus level for 3 months!


Improving comprehension skills

LFK: Identify comprehension gaps with these reading cards

Note for Teachers and Parents

Are your students easily confused when reading texts on their own? Boost every student's comprehension skills with these visually appealing A4 cards.

These cards make reading more interactive for kids. By 'turning-and-talking', these cards get students talking about what they are reading DURING readin...

Literacy for Kids online program improves literacy

Australia’s Reading Fail: Grattan’s damning report of our literacy landscape

Australia has a reading problem......but it doesn't need to.

Our Founder and Literacy Specialist, Tanya Grambower, says,  "This is nothing new, it's something we've known for years.  In fact, it is precisely why we started our business. As a teacher and a parent I get so frustrated that our Education Departments can't see the wood for the trees.  ...

Read Aloud to Boost Comprehension

Research proves conclusively that one simple activity — reading aloud to children — is the best way to prepare them for learning to read and to keep them reading as they grow.

Whether you're a new teacher seeking guidance, a seasoned pro looking for fresh ideas or a parent, let's look at the value of reading aloud ~ we think it's really valuable from Pre-K through ...

Improving reading and writing in the classroom

6 Sure Fire Strategies to Make Writing Fun

Welcome back to the school year!  Student engagement is key at the beginning of the year – it helps to set the tone.  As you start with your class, how can you engage those reluctant writers (or any student who has a challenge with getting their ideas onto paper)?  There are some ideas that you can get up and running immediately to boost engagement and get those desired outcomes and entice s...

Reaching Struggling Readers and Reader Anxiety

There really is no better way to open doors than through literacy. And it's not just reading - it's access to knowledge and it's access to a future.

We can't exaggerate the importance of learning to read, nor can we exaggerate the challenges that people have to overcome when they are not proficient readers.

As we start the new year, I want to continue to advocate for and work...

Classroom Refresh and Routines: 5 Tips

We hope that our teachers enjoyed time with family with friends and that you had the chance to rest and recharge.  

Using an online literacy program at home

How do I use an online literacy program (successfully!) at home with my child?

Welcome back! It is the start of a new school year which can bring excitement and trepidation for students. After the long summer break, many parents will want their kids to 'switch on' to Term 1 learning.  As you know,  reading is a fundamental skill that is essential for success in all school subjects. 

Does your son require some level of literacy or reading support? P...

stop holiday learning loss

School’s out. Should You be Concerned about ‘Summer Slide’?

If you have school-age children, you may have heard of the “summer slide,” a phenomenon in which students lose some of the learning they achieved in the previous school year over the extended summer break.

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