On the same page: the perks of reading together
The joys and benfits of burying yourself in a book can be doubled when you do it as a duo! Getting kids off screens is a battle so consider this option to encouraging reading more books. What are the perks of reading together? United State Reading with others, especially people you feel comfortable being around,…

8 Benefits of Reading Print Books: Backed by Science
Following on from my ABC interview this week about getting adults to read more books, I wanted to explain how diving into a page-turner can enrich your health and happiness. Here, we share science-backed reasons to read a print book and ideas for continuing the habit as an adult. 1. Increases Your Intelligence To qoute…

5 Secrets to Surviving Term 4
We’re almost there everyone… just hang in a little longer. As any parent (or teacher) knows, the last weeks of school can often be the most challenging. There’s the mixture of excitement for the summer holidays and exhaustion from a school year that’s proved different from other years! To help get you through the school…

Gearing up for Term 4: How to Maximise Student Engagement
The end of the school year is approaching and it can be a tough time where some students may be starting to mentally check out. How do you manage the engagement dip, especially for older learners in the Year 7 – 9 age bracket? This decline, where students become increasingly distracted or disengaged, poses a…

Speaking at Oxford, UK, at the World Literacy Summit 2025
Being invited to speak at the World Literacy Summit at Oxford, UK, next year is an immense privilege and an exciting opportunity. Hi, I’m Tanya – a passionate literacy advocate and researcher dedicated to enriching reading experiences for learners of all ages. Literacy Advocate – Reading Researcher – Writer – Educator My career in education…

Five Game-Changers for Successful Whole Class Literacy
It’s likely that most teachers are starting to feel some overwhelm by the need to cover everything by the end of the year. When I visit schools and read emails, there’s the frequent comment, “It’s hard fitting everything into a literacy block!” It is! However, I want to offer 5 Game-Changing Tips to get the…

Does Grammar Really Matter?
Does grammar really matter? In short – yes yes yes! In order to write accurately, fluently and appropriately, it is necessary to have a certain understanding of how language is constructed. Precise and accurate grammar ensures that what your son writes is correctly comprehended and is enjoyable to read. Here are some reasons to cheer wildly…

5 Simple Tips to Keep Boys Reading Over the Holidays
Everyone knows that reading is important, but when your kids tell you, “But I find reading boring” or “I don’t like it” then we have to work a little harder to get them to explore the world of reading. Literacy and language span a HUGE list of skills and categories so that’s why stopping reading…

Six strategies to help older students to catch up in their literacy
Early last week I was interviewed by ABC radio on how we can help boys with their literacy. The callins from listeners was overwhelming. So I wanted to write an article on how we can help our older struggling readers to improve their literacy. As state education departments increasingly adopt structured methods for teaching early…

13 Exceptional Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books Every Teen Boy Will Love
One of the questions I frequently receive from parents via email is whether I have any book recommendations for their teenage sons. Fortunately, I’ve read a variety of books that are perfect for teen boys, and I’ve put together this list to help parents find a great read for them. However, these books are enjoyable…