Literacy for Kids 100% improves reading comprehension

So what are the elements of a successful literacy program?
1) Comprehension instruction: teaching students strategies to understand and interpret what they read. LFK covers 11 key comprehension strategies in each text, together with cloze-type exercises.
2) Vocabulary instruction: helping students learn new words and how to use context clues to determine their meanings. Grammar and spelling are essential components of the reading process and these are included in each LFK topic.
3) Assessment: regularly assessing students’ reading skills and progress to inform instruction and identify areas of need. We have introduced TELL (Tracking Evidence in Literacy Learning) ~ an inbuilt assessment tool where teachers can track student performance each term. The Teacher Dashboard also provides teachers with powerful reporting and analytical tools to monitor student progress. The Learner Dashboard gives students their percentage score (& feedback) for each literacy completed activity.
4) Differentiated instruction: tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs of students and providing extra support for students who need it. LFK is compatible with talk-to-text software for dyslexic learners. Teachers use LFK for small-group instruction, whole-class teaching and independent work.
5) Technology integration: using technology as an interactive teaching tool can supplement and support reading instruction.
6) Engaging content and choice: providing students with access to a wide range of texts at their reading level and beyond to keep them motivated and engaged in reading. We regularly release new content in order to keep student interest high.
7) Parental involvement: encouraging and supporting parents to be involved in their child’s reading development. Parents (& teachers) tell us that students enjoy completing the program at home ~ the topics are relevant, interesting and focus on practicing core literacy skills.
8) Professional development and support: providing ongoing training and support to teachers to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to deliver effective reading instruction. We communicate with teachers about LFK’s Analytic Teacher Dashboard and Learner Dashboards. We also publish practical, useful classroom tips and research around literacy teaching.
It is important to note that the effectiveness of a literacy program depends on factors such as skills and strategies associated with vocabulary development, comprehension and word recognition. LFK is a valuable teaching tool tailored to the needs, strengths, and interests of students. This is what sets our program apart – rich, engaging literacy experiences that gets results.
Literacy for Kids is currently in 40+ schools around Australia and NZ. Contact us for your free trial and see how we can work with your school to improve literacy.
Our literacy programs have created the reading content to support your teaching. STEM, history, creative writing, science: with hundreds of kid-centric topics to choose from, our programs have been proven to lift literacy in schools and at home. Contact us today.
Confirmed Results!
An effective reading program needs to be backed by strong results. Literacy for Boys was independently tested in one of the largest State Primary schools in Qld. Students in Years 3 to 6 improved their reading, spelling and comprehension ages by an average of 12 months after only 18 weeks on our program! Click here for the full report.
Contact us if you’d like to trial Literacy for Boys or Literacy for Kids in your school.
Want your students to finish strong in their literacy? Want more from your literacy program? Contact us for a 30-day free trial in your school or classroom. New schools receive these great ‘Turn and Talk’ comprehension cards for their classroom ~

Student Comprehension Cards
Check out our blogs for more ideas and tips.
5 Ways to Build Student Confidence
Identify Comprehension Gaps with these great cards
Steps to Successfully Support Disengaged Learners
See us featured in The Educator Australia magazine
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Brought to you by Tanya Grambower