Did you know, it’s estimated that one minute of online video equates to approximately 1.8 million written words? (Forester Research)  In addition, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.  (Hubspot)

As the world of education continues to reinvent itself, video has become a powerful—and popular—medium in learning environments. Video has the power to create exceptional learning experiences, drive learner engagement, and inspire audiences.  

This is why we integrate short video clips in our online programs Literacy for Boys and Literacy for Kids.

Literacy For Kids now available for schools

Why use video in online learning?

Using video in virtual learning environments enhances and optimizes learning opportunities for students. By offering video content within our programs, learners will have the option to learn in an alternative format that’s engaging and timely. 

One of our most popular topics this year, in Level 5, has been Bungy Jumping.  Have a peak and see why girls and boys are not only loving our programs but showing real literacy engagement and improvement ~

Parents ~ sign up for a free 30-day trial and improve your son’s literacy for the upcoming year!

As an educator, do you want more from your literacy program?  Contact us for a 30-day free trial in your school or classroom.  Sign up for our newsletter and get FREE Comprehension Worksheets for Years 3 to 9.

Check out our blogs for more ideas and tips.

Steps to Successfully Support Disengaged Learners

See us featured in The Educator Australia magazine

Research confirms that early reading boosts literacy

Boys Love LFB – Here’s what they have to say!

Help! My son hates reading.

Get boys reading in the digital age

Why write? Tips for reluctant writers

Best Boy’s Books from 2017

Brought to you by Tanya Grambower

Literacy For Boys Reading in Action