Helping kids get back into a routine prior to school

Students are set to return to public schools from January 29 and after a 6-week break, it’s time to consider returning to a routine. Here are 5 key tricks for parents on how to beat the back-to-school blues.
1. Establish bedtime and wake-up routines
Gradually adjust sleep and wake schedules 10 days to two weeks before the start of school. This will help to set their biological clocks to the new schedule. Ensure their bedroom is cool, quiet and comfortable. It’s also time to remove electronics out of the bedroom.
2. Dish up healthy brain food
The half-eaten lunchbox is frustrating for all parents. Try planning a healthy lunchbox to start the school year. Talk to your children and discuss what they would be happy to have included. Have a quick look at this slideshow from Eating Well which gives you (& your child) some great ideas/food themes for the school lunchbox.
3. Get Prepped
The week before check school uniforms, shoes, textbooks and schoolbag. Ensure your child is well-rested – visiting a theme park the day before school resumes is never a good idea! Students that are still in ‘holiday mode’ find it hard to concentrate for lengthy periods, they become tired in the afternoon and can struggle to remember what they have learnt.
4. Reduce anxiety
It is normal for students to be anxious when they begin something new and unknown, especially if it’s their first day or they’re starting a different school. As parents, you can help your children push through the anxiety in an appropriate way.
Encourage your child to find a friend they can talk to and stick with while they ease into their new environment. Talk to them about their concerns in advance. Discuss a backup plan for some scenarios or create a “cheat sheet” with a map, if they’re afraid of getting lost, for example.
5. Go over the rules
Lastly, prepare your children for the start of school by brushing up on the basic rules in school, such as putting their hand up when they need to ask a question, putting their bag away, be on time, washing their hands and knowing the school’s mobile phone policy. It can be easy to let these basic rules slide over the long summer holidays. All children will benefit from a little practice before the big day approaches.
Returning to school can be a bit of a shock for everyone, but parents can ease this transition by preparing them now.
Check out our blogs for more ideas and tips.
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Brought to you by Tanya Grambower