Although we are more than halfway through the year, we want to ensure that 2022 is a year full of success and happiness. Here are some tips for our older students (but you can modify these for younger kids) and families to kick some goals in ’22!

1. Review your goals.  Are they realistic?

You may well have already considered this but now that you’re half way into the year, have a re-think and determine whether or not your goals are valid ones.

2. Evaluate your motivation for working towards your goals

Ask yourself: “Are these really things that I want to achieve, or are they really goals other people (e.g. parents, teachers, tutor) would like me to achieve?” It’s one thing to define “the what” but if you’re not fully committed to “the why” then you won’t have the motivation you’ll need to work hard and
to persevere.

3. Find a buddy to help you stick to your plan & share in your success

This can work well in the classroom.  Ideally, find someone who shares your passion for a specific goal and meet with or talk to them regularly about your progress.

4. Break down your goals into smaller, achievable chunks

As parents and educators, we love it when kids aim high and set themselves ambitious goals!  However, success comes in small steps.  Long-term, medium-term, and short-term (or monthly, weekly, daily) goals are all necessary for a successful goal-setting strategy.

Each has different benefits and can launch you forward toward the end result. Break down big or long-term goals into smaller weekly or daily goals to make them easier to focus on. These goals are your stepping-stones for medium and long-term goals.

5.  There’s no perfectly straight line in the universe

The message for kids here is that few important goals will be achieved without some obstacles or problems.  Be realistic about this so that you won’t be discouraged when you face your first hurdle.

6.  Track your progress

Find a way to measure whatever it is you’re trying to achieve and monitor how you’re going. What doesn’t get measured doesn’t get done so chart what you do and then…

7.  Reward yourself!

Reward yourself with the things that motivate and appeal to you. Rewards can be tangible (such as
buying yourself something nice when you hit a milestone) or intangible (such as giving yourself a pat on the back or receiving praise from others). Either way, rewarding yourself regularly will boost
your motivation and help you to keep going…which is what we all need to do!

For Teachers ~ click here for 50 Absolutely FREE Student Rewards

For Parents ~ click here for a resource listing rewards for different age groups (& doesn’t just offer more screen time)

We hope that you find these tips helpful for kicking goals in 2022.  We’d love to hear success stories ~ especially any goal kicking with literacy ~ so please email us at or

Looking for a program to engage and further improve your learners’ literacy levels?

Literacy for Boys and Literacy for Kids have been adopted in over 50 schools around Australia, NZ, and the Asia Pacific.  Contact us for a FREE trial in your school.  See for yourself how our engaging programs are boosting literacy levels in the next generation!

Check out our blogs for more ideas and tips.

Super skills of Reading: How to help your child become a better reader

Steps to Successfully Support Disengaged Learners

See us featured in The Educator Australia magazine

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Brought to you by Tanya Grambower

Literacy For Boys Reading in Action